Lotti puppies

This page contains feedback from owners with puppies from Lotti (Kesyra Quicki)

Below is an email received from the new owners of Kesyra Franka, only 3 days after collecting her from me. She had been returned to me at 7 months, from what had turned out to be an an unsuitable home. She was described by her previous owners as a 'whirling dervish' and a 'horrid dog' who was 'completely uncontrollable'. On arrival back here, she was a totally different dog! This is a stark reminder that this breed needs socialisation, training and consistency and should not be taken on unless the owners are prepared to put in the time and effort.

Dear Katrina
Update on puppy!!!!
All going well - you will be pleased to hear.
Tried it on a bit for first couple of days but now she is aware who is boss! (or bosses!)
Re-named her (finally) as ELSA (a name from pedigree which fits). Beginning to know her name.
No barking - a few yaps in the car if people pass but dealing with this.
Travels well.
Met our daughters dog and all 3 went to park and were fine - she didnt bark once and ignored lots of children in playground.
Own dog been a bit quiet since her arrival - but when necessary she lets Elsa know shes top dog.
Excited in morning but we ignore her and she quiets down then we go out.
OK in cage at night. No night-time noise.
Keep her on long training lead when out in fields until confident she will recall.
Tries to pull but soon gets message.
Not yet friends with cat but will come.
Fidgits a bit in evenings - wanders about room - but eventually settles; esp if put lead on and hold it for a while.
Had to deal with her licking dishwasher! Snaffled some cheese off worktop - but my fault for leaving it available. Sometimes jumps up to see out kitchen window but learning not to.
No mouthing - if she tries we stop it and she desists.
Generally settling very well considering manic state she tried on in first day.
She is going to fit in well and is a quick learner.
Sits instantly for her milk and doesnt move until told she can go for it.
She would be a handful for inexperienced owners who didnt know how to deal with the 'try-on's'!!
She is a beautiful puppy.
Many thanks for your part in getting her here!

more later.....


December 2012

Hello Katrina , hope you are well. Merlin is growing in to a lovely young man , I think he has come through his "teenage" years. He still pulls a bit on the lead but we have found one which has worked wonders with him. It is a slip lead in a figure of 8 one goes over the head the other part over his muzzle. Instant transformation but he does not like it. He is really good with the grandchildren (but they are also good with him, no pulling or prodding). We spent New Year with friends in Chirton and took Merlin and Muffie with us. We went on some lovely walks with our friends and their collie Meg. He is a bit of a bugger with the cat though, not in the house he and Muffie will lie on the bed with Molly but if she is outside he'll chase her round the garden. Have included some photos taken last weekend in the snow.Merlin does like big sticks, the bigger the better and mind your legs.


Hi Katrina

Hope you and the dogs are well.

Sorry we have not managed down to see you yet, we will get there eventually. In the meantime I am sending some photographs of Skye on holiday. She had a great time as you will see and was not at all put out by the travelling and strange houses.

She is filling out now and losing the puppy look but she is still greatly admired when we are out walking and we are very proud of her. She knows how lovely she is though and is very vocal if she does not
not get attention when she wants it. A spoiled little madam really but very much loved.

Dorothy & Ken

Skye (Kesyra Aliesha) is a daughter of Lotti from her first litter .


Hi Katrina
Thank you for having the party it was really lovely to see you and Yogi's brothers and their owners the pooches had a whale of a time didn't they? Yogi slept all the way home and most of the evening he was well tuckered out!


THANK YOU once again for letting Yogi to come and live with us he has really made our house a home again I love him to bits but I think you know that
Take care and hope to see you soon
lots of love
Nicci and Yogi xx

Yogi (Kesyra Alphaeus) is litter brother to Skye

Hi Katrina,
Ozzie is settling into our family life beautifully.Feels like he has always been here. He can't understand why everyone doesn't want to stop and fuss him all day!
| have booked him in for puppy classes with a lady that was recommended on your kennel club list and we start those shortly.I'll let you know how he gets on with those in due course.
Everyone we have come into contact with says what a wonderful calm temperament Ozzie has.It really was worth the wait and I can't thank you enough for allowing us to have Ozzie in our lives.
Very best wishes
Love Sue and John x

Ozzie (Kesyra Alonzo)


Hi Katrina

Thank you for such a wonderful afternoon. It has done us all the world of good. We were thrilled to see Diesels brothers and meet their people. Lovely to see you as always and thank you for all your help and advice. We are starting obedience classes tonight, so will keep you posted.

Love Anna, Paul, Liv, Max and Faye xxx

Diesel (Kesyra Alfonso)

28th December 2010

Diesel has been absolutely brilliant over Christmas,he has really enjoyed the festive celebration. He's been the best dog ever, especially while out walking in the woods his recall was super.

Diesel achieved his bronze obedience award in September, which was a super course with Puppylove.

Happy New year to you all.

Love Anna x
